Uninor Cricket Unlimited Service for Cricket Lovers

Uninor Cricket Unlimited Charges:
To subscribe to the “Cricket Unlimited” service, a Uninor customer simply needs to dial the toll free number 52255 and request for this service. This service will be available for Rs. 3/day per match-day or Rs. 30 for monthly pack on toll free number.
Uninor Cricket Unlimited Subscription:
Once subscribed to the service, customers can browse through ‘Live Match Coverage’, participate in ‘Cricket Opinion Poll’, and download ‘Cricket Tunes’ including ring tones and caller tunes as part of this offer. Beyond this, subscribers can also access Cricket Rankings, Match Schedules, and a whole ocean of little known cricket trivia.
‘Cricket Unlimited’ is a voice based application which will enable subscribers to listen to and browse cricket content via the mobile network. The service is available across all handsets, making it a mobile cricket one stop shop for every cricket lover.
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