The Three Blog Awards

Unlike most awards with hundreds of categories (like the one I sometimes have on this blog), Three Mobile UK has narrowed down the categories to just four: mobile device of the year, guest blogger of the year, best app of the year and social media high of the year. Whoever you voted is up to you, but I personally went for:
Mobile device of the year: Mifi
Guest blogger of the year: Abul Hussain
Best app of the year: Angry Birds
Social media high of the year: Rage Against the Machine Vs. The X-Factor (Facebook)
Why? Well the MiFi, as you can tell from my positive review of the product, is an excellent mobile wireless hotspot that makes connecting multiple devices easily. It is cheap too and I predict that there would be a surge in similar products next year when mass market tablets starts hitting the market.
Abul is a great friend of mine and is one of the most experienced mobile blogger I know. His experience with mobile tech is immense! For best app of the year, this is easy. While Spotify may have gotten my vote, the fact that it requires a premium account works against it. Angry Birds on the other hand is a video game (and I like video games), works on multiple platforms and is dirt cheap. It also happens to be fun.
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