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Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010

Super Swarming London

Yay, we did it! We unlocked the highly elusive Super Swarm badge at Jewel bar in Soho, London yesterday. Many thanks to Chris Pearson who originally came up with the movement to get 250 Foursquare users checking in at a location in London. The Swarm badge was unlocked around 6pm and the Super Swarm badge just after 7pm. By the end of the evening, over 320 geo-location savvy people have checked in!

A couple of us (the 'original' Foursquare crew ^_^) later went to have dinner at Rosa's London, the venue of the first Foursquare meetup a couple of months ago where we attempted (but failed) to unlock the Swarm badge (we did get Player Please!). But before that we decided to attempt at unlocking another badge - the A-list. Want it? Follow TV Logo on Foursquare and check in at two gay bars. Simples.

Cheers to Chris (@cpchannel) and the team at @superswarm: Sam (@saml24), Bernie (@berniejmicthell), Rhea (@rheaj), Rebecca (@unicornRW), Steve (@gxconnect) etc. for organing the event and Jewel bar (@piccadillyjewel) for being great hosts.

We really wanted that A-list badge...

Special shout out to Richard (@richgregory), Sarah (@pumpkininho), Abul (@adonisdemon), Jennifer (@hardij), Amir (@benjezzy), Andy (@4andy1982), Rhea (@rheaj), Kate (@katemerle), Sacha (@sachab), Lee (@lstacey), Nicole (@nkuderer), David (@davidjlowe), Chris (@mahadewa), Yanick (@ycholet) and Sonia (@eastendlass - read her account on yesterday's event this great blog post) for being great companions.

Finally, check out the great photographs from last night's event as captured by Paul Clarke (@paul_clarke)

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