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Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010

Boring twitter stats

It is a Saturday. It is raining. Summer has long since pissed off, last seen in July heading south.

I am writing my Nokia C3 review, but I am also bored. So I decided to do something even more boring - publish a statistical analysis of my twitter account based on TweetStats! Just for you loyal readers.


I joined twitter on 26 May 2007.

I tweet most on Thursdays and Wednesdays, and least on Sundays and Mondays.

My peak tweet time is 9am, followed by 11pm. I have tweeted at every hour. I tweet least between 3-5am.

Looking at my aggregated hourly tweets, I tend to go to bed at 1am and be up by 6am.

Unsurprisingly I tweet most using Symbian's Gravity client, followed by Web and then Seesmic desktop clients.

I have posted 45 tweets using the full 140-character limit.

Of all evenings, I tweet least on Fridays. I am sure it is pretty obvious why.

I reply most to a guy in Australia, followed by a guy in Sheffield. Of my top 10 @, only two twitter users lives in London. Three are based outside Britain.

Most hashtags used: #cfg (152 mentions). Tweetstats can't look far back due to Twitter limitations, but I am sure #ovigoodthings would be second (ah good times).

I've posted over 400 pictures via twitpic, and that was before I changed my username in 2008.

I've met 80 tweeps in person, most of who are awesome, and some of who I now consider as proper mates. This makes me happy.

So that's that. Right, back to my review.

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